- Generate a migration, seeder, factory, policy, resource controller, and form request classes for the model Optionalapi
- Indicates if the generated controller should be an API resource controller Optionalcontroller
- Create a new controller for the model Optionalfactory
- Create a new factory for the model Optionalforce
- Create the class even if the model already exists Optionalmigration
- Create a new migration file for the model Optionalmorph-pivot
- Indicates if the generated model should be a custom polymorphic intermediate table model Optionalpest
- Generate an accompanying Pest test for the Model Optionalpivot
- Indicates if the generated model should be a custom intermediate table model Optionalpolicy
- Create a new policy for the model Optionalrequests
- Create new form request classes and use them in the resource controller Optionalresource
- Indicates if the generated controller should be a resource controller Optionalseed
- Create a new seeder for the model Optionaltest
- Generate an accompanying PHPUnit test for the Model Optionalname
- The name of the model Requiredphp artisan make:model [-a|--all] [-c|--controller] [-f|--factory] [--force] [-m|--migration] [--morph-pivot] [--policy] [-s|--seed] [-p|--pivot] [-r|--resource] [--api] [-R|--requests] [--test] [--pest] [--] <name>